Monthly Archives: July 2014

Brands and Bloggers at BritMums Live 2014

I was fortunate enough to attend BritMums last month and speak at the event on the second day. If anyone has questions about my SEO session please get in touch. There are so many areas of SEO, it is difficult to cover everything.

There were lots of great presentations over the course of the two days. I really enjoyed the Keynote speaker on the Saturday, Benjamin Brooks-Dutton.  He is the author of the book “It’s Not Raining Daddy, It’s Happy” and his blog Life as a Widower where he talks about bereavement following the death of his wife.  His talk was inspirational and thought provoking and reminded us to not take our loved ones for gran.  Ben concluded the presentation by asking everyone to tweet their #BestMoment of the day. I will always pause to think of what my best moment was every day.

Benjamin Brooks Dutton

There were also many brands at BritMums marketing their products and services. As it was my first time at BritMums, I wanted to speak to some of the brands and find out more about they work with bloggers in the marketing.

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