Screw Link Building – It is Called Relationship Building – All on a Budget

Today I spoke at SES NYC, my first speaking slot at a conference and what better place to present, than in New York City.  SES is a great conference and I have always wanted to speak at one of these events.

In the presentation, I shared my experience of working freelance and the relationships I formed last year which still exist today.  People in the search industry are very welcoming and it is one of the best industries I have worked in.  I am pleased to be a blogger for State of Search  and the Search London event I organise has grown from strength to strength, all from relationship building. (past meetups are on

Please find below my presentation which is on slideshare.  I hope you enjoyed it today, please feel free to chat/email/tweet me if you have any questions about the presentation or about search in general.


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