Search London – SEO Tools

I am arranging another meetup next month called “Search London – SEO Tools”

It will take place on Tuesday June 14th at the Doggett’s Coat and Badge.

Linkdex will be sponsoring the event and will be showing us how they have helped companies with their seo.

Linkdex has developed a suite of integrated seo and project management tools to help improve a website’s rankings and traffic. It’s a combination of easy to use but very powerful collaboration tools such as share tasks, keyword research, rank tracking, link building and competitive analysis all within one platform that gives you insightful data for your seo strategy.

John Straw, the founder of Linkdex will be talking about how he developed the seo platform with real results from those who have used the tools.

RSVP to guarantee your place at “Search London – SEO Tools” on June 14th

Search London

London, GB
2,277 Members

Search London is a meet up group which aims to bring those who work in SEO, Social and PPC together. Events are organized every 8 wks and members are from a mixture of agency,…

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