Search London Technical Tips for 2012

Thank you all for coming to the latest Search London event, Technical Tips for 2012.  We had the highest number of RSVPs to the event – 218.  We now also have a new record of the number of attendes. Please find below some of the photos from the event:



Craig gave a very interesting presentation about the technical tips you should use on your own website. He spoke about the importance of Google+, Authorship, Video and Rich Snippets. If you missed Search London, visit us in November, we will be hosting another meetup at the end of the month, announcing it this week.

After 2 years of running Search London on my own, I now have 3 organisers – Luella, Mike and Tim.  They are all in the “featured image” on the post and will be at the next meetup at the end of November.

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