Search Marketing Expo – SMX Stockholm

I went to SMX East and have been to SMX London earlier this year.  Next week is SMX Stockholm for 2 days, the 15th and 16th of October.  If you are free to have a long weekend in Sweden, head over to the search marketing confererence in Venice of the Norther.


Whether you are just getting started, planning your search strategy, managing the team, or you are deep into implementation, tactics and campaigns, you’ll get the knowledge, ideas and contacts needed to help boost your search marketing results and take your skills to the next level.

Here are some of the speakers at SMX:

  • Hear Richard Baxter, Founder & Director of SEOgadget
  • Kristoffer Ewald, Senior Vice President Strategy, Guava Danmark A/S, Ben Gibson, Managing Director, The Search Agency
  • Anu Ilomäki, Team Lead, Google Ireland
  • Bernt Johansson, CTO of Klikki AB
  • The keynote will be “What’s next in search?“ by Marcus Tandler aka Mediadonis and Partner of Tandler.Doerje.Partner

Anyone who is interested in learning more about search should attend this event.  I really enjoyed SMX East and gained a lot from the conference.  There are a number of different stakeholders within the business who will be coming to the event.

  • Advertising budget holders
  • In-house search marketers
  • Brand managers
  • Paid search advertising planners and buyers
  • Organic search optimization specialists
  • Web technology professionals

SMX  will be run side by side with the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit. So sign up to attend one of the best search marketing events in Scandanavia. View the full agenda on SMX Stockholm.

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